How To Proceed After Getting Into A Car Accident While Drowsy

Falling asleep behind the wheel of a car is obviously a major disaster. However, even if you manage to stay awake, drowsy driving can lead to serious accidents. While you are distracted on the road, you might make mistakes that are just as serious as those of a drunk driver. Drowsy driving can also lead to criminal penalties if you are not careful and it can affect a car accident case.

You Have Decided To Get A Divorce — What's Next?

Many people spend a lot of time deciding whether they want to get a divorce. This is understandable because divorce is a tough decision, and most don't know how to proceed. However, you should file the papers if you and your partner have reached irreconcilable differences. Given this, your next step should be to speak to a family lawyer so that they can guide you through the process to follow when serving divorce papers.

Why You Should Hire A Criminal Defense Attorney If You Don't Want Your Drug Case To Weigh You Down

Drug charges can have a significant impact on your life. If you're accused of such a crime, then obtaining a job, keeping your current job, finding housing, and securing a loan can be difficult. You may also lose your friends, family, and support system. The stigma associated with being convicted of a drug crime could also cause you to be stressed. While it's possible to represent yourself in court, it's not recommended.

2 Ways To Make Things Easier For Your Workers' Compensation Lawyer

Workers' compensation law is a bit different from other areas of law. In worker's compensation, an injured worker is not suing their employer. Rather, they are making a claim against their employer's insurance company. Here are a few things you can do to make things easier for your workers' compensation lawyer. Get Organized Getting organized means gathering all of the documentation you will need for your case. This includes everything from medical records to pay stubs as documentation of lost wages.

Homeowners: Did Your Home Insurance Company Act In Bad Faith?

If your home insurance company's failure to investigate your claim properly led to costly and devastating results for your family, you may wonder if you should hire a litigation attorney soon. If your insurance company acted in bad faith regarding your claim, consult an attorney right away. With the help of a litigation attorney, you can obtain the settlement you need to repair your home properly. Learn more about bad faith and why you need a litigation attorney's assistance below.

How To Avoid Fees And Penalties When Incorporating Your Business

Corporations are often formed to provide a business with protection from liability. However, when you are forming a corporation, you will need to consult with a corporate lawyer to make sure that the corporation you are forming will meet your needs and that you avoid fines and fees. Know What a Corporation Will Shield You From The purpose of a corporation is to shield a business owner against some forms of liability.

4 Instances When You Should Consider Contacting An Art Lawyer

The world of art is one full of passion, creativity, and, sometimes, a good deal of legal complexities. Whether you are an artist yourself or someone who simply enjoys collecting art, it is important to be aware of the various legalities that surround the creation, sale, and ownership of artworks. While some aspects of art law are fairly straightforward, other facets can be quite complicated and confusing. This is where an art lawyer comes in.

What Needs To Be Done To Make A Trust Valid?

If you are considering setting up a trust, it's important to know the basics of how a trust works. It's much easier to do this if you speak with a trust attorney beforehand. Your attorney can help you make sure that your trust does everything you hope it to do. Important Terms to Know When setting up a trust, you will be known as the settlor. You will be giving your property to another party who is known as a trustee.

What Budget Moves Are Okay Before A Chapter 7 Filing?

Even before you declare chapter 7, it's a good idea to understand how an upcoming filing could affect your financial situation. After all, your budget is about to undergo some major changes. Though many of the changes are to the filer's benefit, not everything you might want to do is okay. Read on to find out more. Can You Still Use Your Credit Cards? In many cases, credit card use before you file chapter 7 is strictly limited.

Should You Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer After A Slip And Fall Accident?

Depending on the nature of your slip and fall accident, you might suffer minor or severe injuries that leave you with medical bills and wages to cover. Luckily, while you can't do anything to reverse the situation, you're eligible for financial compensation to cater to the incurred damages. But do you need to hire a personal injury attorney after a slip and fall accident? Discover why you should consider a lawyer's help.